Where: Hilton Grand Salon
When: Saturday, 4:00pm
Top Prizes:
- Best Master – $125 Dealer Dollars
- Best Journeyman – $75 Dealer Dollars
- Best Novice – $50 Dealer Dollars
Where: Hilton Grand Salon
When: Saturday, 4:00pm
Top Prizes:
The Anime and Animation tracks join forces to bring you another fantastic craftsmanship contest, open to competitors of all experience levels. Behold the skill and ingenuity involved with bringing 2D and 3D characters from all forms of media into the real world.
Pre-Judging: Saturday, 11:30 AM to 2:00 PM – Galleria 1
To compete in the Anime/Animation Costuming Contest, you must first attend a pre-judging session. Judges will be looking at accuracy to reference, construction techniques and cleanliness, and creativity in execution, so come prepared to explain what you made and how you made it!
Pre-judging slots are assigned on a first-come, first-serve basis. We, unfortunately, cannot accommodate late entries, so give yourself plenty of time to get suited up and traverse the convention.
NOTE: Contestants must have attended the pre-judging session in Hilton Galleria 1 at 11:30 AM Saturday.
Where: Judging: Marriott A601 – 602 / Contest: Marriott Atrium Ballroom
When: Thursday, Judging 5:30pm – 8:00pm / Winners Announced 11:45pm at Bunny Hutch
Top Prizes:
Start your Con with an Ode to the mash-up at the Bunny Hutch Costume Contest. Put your best spin on the classic Bunny or Hef at this contest, where creativity, process, originality, and construction will be considered. Appropriate for all levels; non-traditional costumes encouraged.
Contest registration!opens at 9:00 AM PST on July 3rd and closes at 7:00 PM PST on August 9th. Sixty (60) qualified entrants will be selected for judging. Entrants must be dressed as a Playboy style bunny or Hef and have assembled, sewn, commissioned, or otherwise created your costume specifically for the contest. Entrants must be 21 or older to enter the contest. Full rules, categories, and application link will be posted on July 3rd.
Judging: Thursday, 5:30 – 8:00 PM, Winners will be announced at the Bunny Hutch Party at 11:45 PM.
Learn more and post your progress pictures on the Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/DCBunnyHutch
Register here!
Where: Courtland Grand Grand Ballroom
When: Saturday, Judging 5:30pm – 6:30pm / Contest Begins 7:30pm
Top Prizes:
Most Cult-worthy – Trophy & $250
Best Youth – Trophy & $50 Dealer Dollars
Best Use of Materials – Trophy & $50 Dealer Dollars
Most Eye-Catching – Trophy & $50 Dealer Dollars
Best Construction – Trophy & $50 Dealer Dollars
Best Presentation – Trophy & $50 Dealer Dollars
It’s a costuming contest with a twist, we pay tribute and adulation to the many Dragon Con cults we’ve seen in this one wacky evening of clever costuming. Whether it’s Marriott carpet attire, dancing T-Rexs, googlie eyes galore, collections of badge ribbons, an homage to Fed Ex, flaming speakers, legionnaires, potatoes, … this is the stage to ham-up your unique cult costume.
After a 10-year hiatus, Dragon Con’s Fandom Music Video Awards have returned! This is a video editing competition where participants create music videos featuring their favorite fandoms and media (including but not limited to Live Action Movies & Shows, Cartoons & Comics, Anime & Manga, Video Games, and Cosplay). Finalists are chosen by our judges, but the audience gets to pick who wins! Categories include Adrenaline, Tribute, Shipping, Suspense, Upbeat, Drama, and Humor.
Submissions are accepted from June 1st – July 31st
Where: Marriott Atrium Ballroom
When: Friday, 8:30pm
Top Prizes:
Do you have a costume that you made from the ground up? In the Friday Night Costuming Contest (FNCC) entrants compete in Youth, Novice, Journeyman, and Professional Class categories in this costume contest focused on workmanship. Cheer on your favorites & vote for your Social Media Fan Favorite on Facebook.
Judges will be looking at the costume itself, the workmanship, design, and inspiration. This will be open to groups and individuals, experts and novices, and costumes from mainstream or self-creative. All judges are costuming professionals with extreme costume backgrounds. Be sure to come to see a spectacle of hand-made wonder from every skill level and genre.
Online pre-registration is now open! Please note that pre-registration is required to participate in this costume contest.
Top Prizes:
Contest staff will be taking pictures of folks who have great costumes but might be too shy to get up on stage for the Masquerade. Photos will be taken and then displayed at the Contest Registration table in front of the Centennial Ballroom IV in the Hyatt. Your correct name and badge number are needed in order to enter the contest. In addition, you may purchase a digital copy of your official entry picture for $10 – with the proceeds going to the Dragon Con charity of the year.
On Sunday morning, contestant photos will be displayed on monitors near the Contest Registration table in the Hyatt in front of Centennial Ballroom for voting to take place. The voting takes place on the Dragon Con Masquerade Facebook page, where the photos with the most likes on Sunday until 3 p.m. are the winners! Winners will be announced at the Masquerade on Sunday evening.
Where: Hilton Grand West
When: Sunday, 7:00pm
Top Prizes:
Contestants race to create wacky makeups in the wildest makeup contest ever created. We supply the makeup, you supply the creativity. No advance registration required to be a contestant or a model. Audience chooses the winner.
Where: Hyatt Regency, Centennial Ballroom
When: Sunday, 8:30pm
In the grand tradition of convention costuming, dating back nearly five decades in Science Fiction fandom, Dragon Con is proud to present the largest Masquerade Costume Contest in the Southeast and one of the largest in the world! The Dragon Con Masquerade Costume Contest will be held in the Hyatt Centennial Ballroom.
Registration for the Masquerade will be available until Sunday at 3 p.m. by completing the online registration form. This form will require you to agree to abide by the rules of the Masquerade, so please make sure you have read them before you register. You can also get help registering during the Con at the Contest Registration table located outside the Centennial Ballroom IV in the Hyatt on Friday and Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Sunday from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Even if you have pre-registered, please remember that you must stop by the Contest Registration table to let us know you are here and to receive your backstage pass and instructions.
See below for Rules & Information and the Masquerade FAQ.
ZERO, but you must have a Dragon Con membership badge and show it to the Masquerade volunteer who registers you.
Use the pre-registration form prior to the Wednesday before the Con on this site by following the link or stop by the Masquerade Registration table in the Hyatt in front of the Centennial Ball Room and fill out a registration form before 3 p.m on Sunday. We will be staffed Friday through Monday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. EVEN IF YOU PRE-REGISTERED ON THE WEBSITE YOU NEED TO COME BY THE REGISTRATION TABLE TO CONFIRM YOU ARE AT THE CONVENTION AND TO RECEIVE INSTRUCTIONS. REGISTRATION FOR THE MASQUERADE WILL CLOSE SUNDAY AT 3:00p – we need time to prepare the entry forms for the emcees, and we will be completing the tabulations for the Hall Costume Contest.
The volunteers at the table will log you in as an entrant, read your form, and assist you (if necessary) in composing the best announcement for your entrance. The volunteer will also check whether you have planned to use a CD for audio music or dialogue; if so, the CD will be tested to verify that the track is acceptable; then it will be retained by the Dragon Con Masquerade volunteers and loaded onto our equipment. You must remain at the registration table to learn if your CD will be able to be played during the show. Your entry form will be kept by the volunteers, and we will enter all the forms into a computer and print them so that the emcee will be able to read your announcement. We need your real name on the entry form, not your con nickname. You will be given something to note that you are a registered contestant – this will gain you access to the prep area before the Masquerade. Do not lose it.
Children go on stage in the first group of the evening. The children’s winners are determined and announced; then, the children and two family members for each child will be seated in a reserved area of the auditorium to enjoy the rest of the show. The first item of business for the Director during the backstage prep will be to ask if anyone has a pressing legitimate need to be in the first adult group to go on stage. This will happen at 6:30p, so if you need to be among the first contestants to go onstage, be at the prep area before 6:30p. A legitimate need is defined as a physical limitation or a costume that is too hot or uncomfortable to be in for more than 2 hours or so.
All other contestants will be assigned sequence numbers for going onstage at the discretion of the Director, using a time-tested scientific method: pretty girl, monster, skit. (Hey, it works.)
The Director has made the determination that no microphones will be given to contestants due to problems in past Masquerades. BE AWARE: Do not try to project your normal voice into the audience – it is too large a room and will have too many bodies. We have found that contestants who try to address the audience directly cannot be heard, not even by the judges at their table in front of the stage. If you attempt to address the audience directly, you will be escorted off of the stage.
We can use CDs with any music, dialogue, etc. that you wish – as long as there is no profanity. This is a family show. We will not accept tapes due to problems playing them in the past. The CD track MUST be approved by a Masquerade volunteer at the contest registration table when you register (before 3:00p on Sunday). Your CD will be retained by our volunteers and loaded onto our equipment. Our volunteers will make sure that your assigned contestant number for the show is put on your CD, and the CD will be given to the tech crew as backup in case our primary equipment fails.
If you want your CD back, you can go to the tech station in the ballroom immediately after the contest (it is located on the wall across from the entrance into the ballroom), or pick up your CD at the Masquerade Registration table on Monday after 10:00a We will not be responsible for CDs left after the end of the Convention. On Monday afternoon, they will be discarded.
During the pre-contest set-up, the Director will assign a Masquerade volunteer to a group of contestants. We try to keep the numbers manageable, so there will be approximately 10 to 12 people in each group. This may be 6 individual entrants and one skit of 6 people, or a similar mix. The den mother will be responsible for reviewing registration sheets with the assigned numbers, verifying that the contestants understand the rules and will abide by them, collecting contestants’ tech sheets (ALL CONTESTANTS MUST HAVE A TECH SHEET WHETHER OR NOT THEY HAVE TURNED IN A CD), and turning it all in to the volunteer collecting the data for the Director and the tech crew.
The den mother will then make sure that the contestants stay comfortable, get water, keep as quiet as possible in the backstage area, and get up on the stage when the time arrives, and then help them to get backstage after their performances.
The categories help us create a level playing field. If an entrant has won “Best in Show” at a previous convention, he or she is considered a “Master” – then all the “Master” category entrants compete against each other for a “Best in Show – Master” Award. We award a “Best in Show – Novice” award for the best scoring first-time entrant (someone who has never entered in a contest before).
We award a “Best in Show – Journeyman” award to the best competitor in the Journeyman category (someone who has won a category award previously).
We award a “Best in Show” to the best non-Master entrant. In any future Dragon Con Masquerades they enter, they will then compete in the “Master” category.
As stated above, we will have “Best in Show – Master”, “Best in Show – Journeyman”, and “Best in Show – Novice” awards. The top-scoring entrant who is not a Master will win an award entitled “Best in Show.”
We MAY have awards for other categories, depending on the entrants and number of contestants. In years past, we have utilized the following categories: Skit, Humor, Horror, Fantasy, Star Wars, Star Trek, Babylon 5, Historical Recreation, Farscape, Lord of the Rings, Comic Book, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Audience Favorite . . . the list goes on.
Basically, the judges score all entrants, the scores are logged into a spreadsheet, and we check the tallied scores for the highest total scores. This is a very quick process – thank goodness for computers! The contestants with the highest scores are then checked for category. If there were two Star Wars contestants who scored equally well and we had 6 or more Star Wars entrants, we might break the category into Star Wars Hero and Star Wars Villain. However, if you are the only Farscape entry it does not necessarily mean you will win Best Farscape; you may be moved into a general SciFi category. It all depends on the number of entrants, what they do on stage, and the scoring by the judges.
The judges (3 to 5 convention guests) award a score of 0 to 10 for each of 3 attributes for each contestant. The attributes are:
Originality/Adaptation: Is this the most original concept the judges and audience have seen, or the best adaptation of a known concept? For example, a contestant made a “super hero” costume out of gold lame placemats; another contestant had a completely authentic Alien costume, down to the dripping mouth drool. Note to contestants: describe the inspiration for your costume in your emcee announcement.
Composition: Did someone go out and buy this, or did the contestant spend hours gluing, sewing, welding, etc. – is this a labor of love or dollars? For example, a contestant had hand-sewn thousands of yards of lace to make a beautiful historical costume; another contestant had hand-hammered hundreds of metal rings for chain mail. Note to contestants: tell us how long it took and the craftsmanship required in your emcee announcement – blow your own horn.
Presentation: Does the contestant(s) stay in character (or do something completely out of character) that grabs the audience? For example, the Alien guy made a little sign that he whipped out after he had menacingly advanced towards the emcee – the sign said “Ripley Sucks”; two contestants in historically correct medieval attire slowly crossed the stage while giving the royal wave and nod to their subjects – and we all felt like their subjects; a group came out in Klingon makeup – with Kiss make up on top and declared themselves to be a Klingon Kiss rock band. Note to contestants: get into character and stay there, or find a way to exploit or turn your character into the unexpected – grab the audience – humor helps.
There are plaques for Best in Show – Master, Best in Show, Best in Show – Children, Best in Show – Journeyman, and Best in Show – Novice; the rest of the category winners get a nice certificate suitable for framing. Winners may receive dealer bucks. Dealer bucks are tokens accepted in the dealers’ room for merchandise.
Prize categories and amounts:
Best in Show – $500 Check and a 3 night paid hotel stay in a host hotel
Best Master Class – $100 Dealer Dollars
Best Journeyman – $50 Dealer Dollars
Best Novice – $50 Dealer Dollars
5 Category Awards – $50 Dealer Dollars Each
Best in Show Teen/Youth – $50 Dealer Dollars
Best in Show Child – $50 Dealer Dollars
Best in Show Toddler – $50 Dealer Dollars
NO – we cannot risk the Atlanta Fire Department shutting us down.
We can’t say for sure at this time – but we will get back to contestants who have a specific concern.
Journeyman: A contestant who has won at least one, but less than four, category awards at a WorldCon, CostumeCon, Dragon Con, or ICG-recognized competition.
Novice: A contestant who has never won an award (as indicated above) in competition.
Junior: Any contestant under 16 (There will be two groups – ages 1 – 4, and ages 5 – 16).
Where: Courtland Grand – Grand Ballroom
When: Sunday, 5:30pm
We are excited to have the Miss Star Trek Universe return again this year to the Grand Ballroom of the Courtland Grand. This popular event with celebrity judges and Host Garrett Wang. All ladies interested in being a contestant should email our pageant director Lucy at startrekpageant@gmail.com.
Do you have a physique that is as essential to your costume as sewn fabrics and EVA foam? Then the Muscle Nerd showdown is for you! From barbarian warriors to anime heroes, to video game characters, Showdown gives you a chance to show off your hard-earned musculature and how you incorporate it into your costume. Contestants are judged on their physique, their costume, and how well they present their character. Come join us for a spectacle where fitness meets cosplay!
*Note – Contestants must participate in pre-judge to be featured in the Evening Show.
Register now for the 2024 Muscle Nerd Showdown.
Show off your costuming skills and bring your favorite literary characters
to life on stage in the Page to Stage Costume Contest!
Where: International North Ballroom
When: Thursday
Pre-Judging begins at 6:30 pm
The contest begins at 8:00 pm
*Pre-Registration Required. Dragon Con Membership Badge required.
Click here for more details!
Light Weight
Where: Hyatt International North & South Ballroom
When: Sunday, 10am
Heavy Weight
Where: Hyatt Regency IV/VII
When: Monday, 1130am
Robot Battles™ is the second-oldest robotic combat competition in the world, and just keeps getting bigger and better. For over thirty years, Robot Battles™ has made Dragon Con home and is proud to be back again this year, featuring two days of action-packed competition in four different weight classes. For rules and more details on being a part of Robot Battles™, visit their website and follow them on Facebook.
If you love mechanical mayhem combined with the thrill of an ancient Roman spectacle (without the bloodshed, of course), this is the one robotic event of the year you do NOT want to miss!
Where: Marriott Imperial Ballroom
When: Sunday, 2:30pm
Top Prizes:
Best in Show – $150 Dealer Dollars
2nd place – $100 Dealer Dollars
Come Padmés, Sith, Jedi, troopers, & whatever else from anywhere in the Star Wars Universe! Our contestants are always an awesome sight! Must attend 1 pre-judging session (in your costume – pictures are not accepted). Please see the app for specific times and dates of pre-judging.
Pre-Judging: Westin, Augusta E-H
Contest: Westin Peachtree Ballroom
Pre-Judging: Friday, 2:30pm
Contest: Friday, 5:30pm
Top Prizes:
Best in Show – $125 Dealer Dollars
2nd place – $75 Dealer Dollars
3rd place – $50 Dealer Dollars
The Video Game Costume Contest judges on craftsmanship of the costume as well as screen accuracy of the character portrayed.
Judges will be looking at the costume itself, the workmanship, design, and inspiration. This will be open to individuals, experts and novices, and part of the judging process includes a description of the game and character being portrayed. All judges are costuming professionals with extreme costume backgrounds.
Pre-judging and registration will occur in Westin Augusta E-H, from 2:30pm to 5pm. You must be pre-judged in order to participate in the contest. Pre-registration is not open to the public, but contestants may bring one handler with them to pre-judging.